frequently asked Questions

1. What payment methods are accepted on your store?

We accept payment by credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Union Pay)

2. What are the delivery times?

We estimate delivery times between 2 to 10 days.

3. Do you offer returns or refunds?

Yes, we offer a 30 day return policy from receipt of your order. Please see our returns policy for more details on the applicable conditions.

4. Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping to many countries.

5. How can I change or cancel my order after placing it?

For any order changes or cancellations, please contact us as soon as possible via our contact form, our contact bubble or by email. We will do our best to accommodate your request, depending on the processing status of your order.

6. Can I be informed of new products and promotions?

Yes, you can subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on new products, special promotions and exclusive events. Simply sign up by entering your email address on our website at the bottom of the page.

7. How can I get help if I have questions or problems with my order?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact bubble or email. Our customer service team will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

8. How can I make sure I choose the right size for my clothes?

Check out our size guide to help you choose the right size for your clothing. You'll find it at the very bottom of each product page.

9. What is the privacy policy of your online store?

Our privacy policy details how we collect, use and protect your information. You can view it at the bottom of the page.

10. What is your policy regarding online payment security?

We use advanced security protocols to ensure the privacy and security of your payment information. All transactions are secure and encrypted.